I'm gonna try to be as fair as I can. Sonic Classic is a semi-original 2d genesis style fangame that primarily takes inspiration from the 8 bit sonic games. Its special stages are heavily based on those of Sonic Chaos, its levels either based on or outright ripped from game gear titles, but its level design is completely original. It starts strong; the physics aren't too bad, the presentation looks really nice for the time, the soundtrack is fine, and the early levels are really fun. Once you get to Gigalopolis Zone (which is ripped from Sonic Chaos) though, everything falls apart. The level design is flushed down the toilet, and once I got to Luster Lake Act 2, I became softlocked, as no underwater bubbles would appear to give me air for the entire level which is almost entirely underwater. This completely game breaking bug on its own is enough to bring the game down to half a star, but by the time I got to that level, I already wasn't having very much fun. It devolves from a semi-original and well designed game to a compilation of "worst of 90s 2d sonic".

Reviewed on May 15, 2024
