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This game has been in early access for less than a week, but is pretty much feature complete. It's riddled with very minor bugs.

I'm a sucker for this game, this studio, and especially the corny and charming writing. It's playful but will take an unexpectedly dark turn at many points. Those moments will make you curse out loud when you remember the game's promise of dark themes. Most love interest's stories are engaging and meaningful, although, one is a bit weak and another is incoherent.
There were also a few cases of emotional whiplash as the game needed to provide on both the narrative and dating part.

Finally, getting the true ending is a pain in the ass. You're gonna need a second playthrough, on top of save scumming, and probably a guide. Though, I suspect this to change. The final confrontation with the antagonist is unsatisfying, but each character's journey is not.