Glad that I finally got around to beating this expansion. I originally gave up on it after getting stuck on Artorias, and it was only on my new game plus that I finished it. While I don't think it quite reaches the highs of the base game (Anor Londo & Undead Burg/Parish), I can't deny that this is a great expansion. The atmosphere is as strong as always, the NPCs were memorable (although a bit underdeveloped), the lore implications are very interesting, and the bosses were some of the best in the entire game. Sanctuary Guardian was solid, Artorias & Kalameet were great, and Manus was my favorite boss of the game. Although there was other parts I liked, these bosses for me were the standout part of Artorias of the Abyss. The only thing that really held this DLC back for me was the areas. As although the atmosphere is great, they are really annoying to traverse due to the amount of powerful enemies & the lack of bonfires. But even with these issues I still found Artorias of the Abyss really enjoyable, and it reminded me why I love this game as much as I do.

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2024
