F*** this is terrifying. Help Wantes is a good choice if you’re looking for a good horror game on VR. I’ve seen my share of horror movies, but can’t remember feeling this anxious and scared about playing a game in ages. I don't have that much experience with the PC games before playing this. I was just originally just looking for some horror experiences when I got an Oculus Quest 2, and stumbled over the world of FNAF, which I was just barely familiar with from before.

The only catch with FNAF is what’s also could be considered one of it’s strengths. The jumpscares. It’s sort of built on it. Someone has critiqued FNAF for being a «jumpscare simulator». I don’t know if that is fair. The big question is if the jumpscares in FNAF are cheap or if they're a stroke of genius. I tend to lean towards the latter (to my own surprise, actually). In movies I tend to generally consider jumpscares a cheap tactic to scare a viewer, but in FNAF it’s usually not just random non-sensical jumpscares coming out of nowhere. They’re more like ‘elecrical shocks’ when you’re failing the task, which keeps you on your toes, and you can see coming, so it’s different than just cheap jumpscares. However, if you’re someone who can’t deal with jumpscares, then there’s more suitable choices in horror for VR.

FNAF are not just about jumpscares luckily. There's also something genuinely creepy with the universe, the music and sounds, and the characters, the secrets and the story aka «the lore». It’s just extremely well made. The games are also fun when you get into them of course.

My goal is to complete this game with all the minigames and secrets one day, maybe even the DLC, but I’m not sure if I can, but hey, I will keep trying.

Reviewed on Nov 12, 2023
