Grim Fandango holds up! I played through it around 2006 the first time, so this is technically a replay, but I remembered very little. This was still quite challenging to get through.

If someone has issues with the controls the Remastered version fixes this and you can steer with the mouse. The graphics are also improved, so don't doubt if you're not sure if you're to play the Remastered version or the original.

I think the concept for Grim Fandango is very original. The film noir setting gives it a special feel and atmosphere, and the game plays with the tropes and stereotypes in a clever way. The characters are good, although I sometimes missed more depth in some of them as well as in "the lore", but it's still good enough. The puzzles are well made, like LucasArts games almost always are, but are quite hard at times, but if you're patient it's never impossible.

It's a pretty long game, especially compared to Full Throttle. I can recommend Grim Fandango for sure.

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2024
