The new Pokemon introduced this generation was very solid! That's the only positive I can think of, really.

This is probably the most generic, uninteresting, and formulaic game in the main series. So many of the characters are dumbed down, streamlined, and ultimately forgettable. The story? No need to even talk about that! I can sum it up by saying "Predictable". But that's not the worse of it. Nope!

The worst part about this game is the antagonist. Don't even get me started how forgettable he is, but really, his motives are so basic and uninteresting that I just moaned any time he appeared on screen. I'm so glad the generations after that started having their evil teams be more dynamic. Guzma for the win!

Ok, I know I've been harsh with this game, but in reality, I still think there's a lot to it. I exaggerated when I said that it only had one positive, because in reality, it has quite a few! Triple battles remain (this is the last gen that had it) which are tons of fun. The national pokedex is a thing, which is very cool! Megas are very awesome visually, but really are lame gameplay wise.

However, just like Gen 5, I know people will begin to praise this game in a few years saying it was underrated and that we should've cherished what it had. I say this is easily the weakest generation of Pokemon. Gen 8 is only somewhat better.

FYI: I grew up with this Pokemon generation.

Can we talk about how fire the main theme is? Also the guy on the right of the poster looks like the Nostalgia Critic.

Still salty that the original bite sized beats is gone

People often say this is the weakest in the series and I don't know what to think about that.

This game is the foundation of the whole series, as well as in my opinion having the best tone than the other Danganronpa games I've played (I've only played the second game and Another Episode). This is the only game that makes you feel like everyone is part of this small community despite being in this large location of the school. Yes, the second game takes place in multiple islands, but this one is in a indoors and closed location. It gives this sort of home-like and chill place despite it being a killing game. I can't quite explain it in detail, but that's what I think

The music helps with this small community tone especially, and honestly, the music also makes me feel nostalgic for this game despite never playing it until this year.

If this series ended it off with only this game, this would be satisfying. I just wished this game was more respected among people, because it's often trashed for its community. You can not like this game, I'm fine with that, but I feel like a lot of the people talking about this game negatively are about the community rather than the game.

Oh and this game doesn't have Teruteru so THERE.