This may be one of my favorite games of all time. While it has it's issues, like its biggest being how hard it can feel for a new player to start and understand it. But with a bit of patience and a will to learn the games progression you are in for a treat.

The combat is amazing, with simple but rewarding mechanics that is often focused on mobility. The pacing starts slow and very simple but really ramps up the further you progress. Early game bosses usually have few attacks and only sometimes have second phases, while late game bosses become fast paced 2-3 phased bullet hells as you gain new abilities and speed to combat these threats.

The pixel art is amazing and the visuals only get better with each update as they've added new lighting effects, wind effects, and retexture countless of the games sprites just because they want it to look that much nicer.

The music is absolutely amazing, super repayable and doesn't easily get repetitive unless you stay in one area for a really long time. And just like visuals we have been given new music almost every big update.

The building is also really good, having walls and blocks be separate is sometimes pretty inconvenient, I feel I enjoy Minecraft's building more, but Terraria at least actually rewards you greatly for building as NPCs can move into houses you make, and they are so useful its basically a necessity to get them. That also helps with the pacing as you can have downtime after doing lots of fighting and exploring to work on a build.

The multiplayer is great as well, with everything feeling super balanced as long as everyone who is playing with you are there for most all sessions. Due to the games faster and sometimes world effecting progression unfortunately players who play less can be severely left behind. Make sure you schedule your sessions with the boys so no one has to be left out!

This game deserves all its overwhelming praise alone for how much amazing free content they have worked on even though its been a finished and quality product since 1.1 in 2011. The care and love put into this game and it's community is incomprehensible! And for it's always cheap price, no paid DLC or microtransactions, free steam workshop support for texture and music packs to game changing mods you have absolutely no reason to give this game a try. Even if just to support and reward the practices that these developers do so the gaming industry can improve for the better.

This is probably the best way to play monopoly. It is surprisingly fast paced and has a lot customization options to either balance the game or shake things up. It also has funny themes and custom profiles that can track wins for each individual player. A must play through Parsec.

Super simple and super fun with friends or strangers. The game has so many unique and funny weapon types matches will rarely get stale. Wish the progression didn't expect you to play the game for like 2 billion hours just to get most of the coolest weapons and upgrades though.

Playing old Pokémon games side by side with a friend and being able to see them in game and battle like special rivals was so much fun. This MAY BE peak Pokémon..


After a few hours there was absolutely nothing fun about this game for me. I played for so long but was never able to get any progression affirming things like access to new locations, new wings, new pets, or new mounts. Everything to make the experience bearable or just to have fun seemed to be locked behind overpriced microtransaction packages. I'm glad they made signing up to the game such a chore now because it makes sure I'll never be able to touch the game again.

This game had a really cool gun recoil physics engine I've never seen used before. You could launch yourself up walls, across lakes, and even across the map with perfectly timed shooting at the terrain. The game had some really interesting ideas and the characters and style really drew me in for a bit. It's unfortunate that nothing ever came of the game and died after the Developers abandoned it.

The game couldn't survive on it's own because it was far too unbalanced and it was impossible for newer or unexperienced players to compete or even have fun against the knowledge and skill that competitive players had.

When the game which can be played for near endless amounts of time gets a officially supported, easy to use, and FREE mod loader allowing for infinite new content and making the near endless game truly an endless game.

The title ask: "Where's my Mickey?" and yet he's right there in the game, you don't even have to wonder where he is. Massive oversight on Disney's part.

A Where's My Water reskin with new levels and mechanics but I remember much less about it when compared to the original. I feel like I should have liked this one more than the original for how much I loved the show but it probably had far less updates meaning much less content.

This game was pretty dang good back when I was much younger. One of mobiles most interesting physics based puzzle games, at least for it's time. Finding secret levels and collecting funny ducks was always fun.

Despite completing this game only a couple of years ago I remember not too much about it besides that it was kinda ejoyable and cute, the minigames were definitely pretty good from what I can remember. I remember backtracking and loading times sometimes being a bit of a pain though.

I think there's this one time you have to catch this gengar and they would go uncatchably fast and even clip through the map sometimes and I thought I'd never be able to beat the game. In the end I think I did finish the game though can't really say much about it though

A free but massively inferiors version of Bloons TD5 with artificially gated progression and tacked on city builder that isn't even good. It can take multiple months to even whole years to get the content you can get on startup or within your first few days within Bloons TD5. I have 190 hours and still don't have every upgrade, this game is not worth your time.

I love it when my full party of 10 heroes all leave turn 1 because a room is too dark

This is the dark souls of all time. It has so much good and so much bad its impossible to rate it reasonably.

Pro's: Story and Music can be great, has some very cool visuals and locations, it contains some kickass weapons with cool animations and abilities, some enemy and boss visual designs are also really good. It has a new game plus that adds some funny and new content unlike the other dark souls games which change nothing with NG+. It has amazing DLC content that has a few of the best bosses in the souls series. It does a lot right as a souls game and I quite enjoy it.

Cons: On the other hand oh my god is this one of the most unfair bullfest you'll ever play. These types of games are designed around fighting 1 to 2 enemies at a time but this one has a raging boner to throw 4+ enemies in every single encounter you come across. In a game with an already really slow and punishing combat system you're usually forced to play even slower lest you want to get swarmed by a hoard of enemies you can't fend off. Game also has some extremely unfair checkpoint bonfires and in tandem with the enemy hoards makes for the worst boss runbacks the series has to offer. You're even punished for dying as it temporarily lowers your max health with a sometimes scarce collectible being the only full reset back to full HP, if losing currency wasn't already enough.

This is the videogame ever. Can still recommend if you enjoy soulslike games and have some strong patience and aren't afraid to look at a few guides as some mechanics are important to understand but obscure and poorly explained in game.

Overall I look back on the game with more positive than negative, even if this review does seem harsh.

A roguelike game from an era before roguelikes were even popular. One of the best mobile games without question. This game was amazing for it's time and the lines Solomon dark say to you are forever ingrained in my head. what can I say, stay awhile, STAY FOREVER.

It has definitely aged a bit as more roguelikes have came out though, the layout variety is extremely basic and the standard walking speed is far too slow for how much backtracking you may need to do if you wanted to explore each room and collect every chest.