As someone who I would consider to be a big South Park fan I really enjoyed this game, more than I did with Stick of Truth which was surprising to me. I think story wise I still prefer Stick of Truth though as this game’s story feels like it should have ended about 5 hours before it actually did and the ending felt really anticlimactic alongside a weak final boss. Gameplay wise though this is a huge improvement over the previous game. I’ve always been a much bigger fan of tactical RPG than traditional ones due to them adding a lot more strategy to fights and this game doesn’t disappoint on that. The character roster for this game is great but some characters feel like they weren't used to they’re full potential. I thought characters like Toolshed and Mosquito were very underwhelming in combat for example. Overall I had a fun time with this game.

Reviewed on Sep 18, 2023

1 Comment

9 months ago

i agree the final boss was really shit and left me feeling like "seriously, is that it??"
In terms of fights I think one of the high points was definitely the jared fogle boss