An alright top down adventure game. It’s weird to think this game has aged specifically in its writing even though its only 2 years old but nevertheless it is the writing that kinda dampened the experience for me. It definitely gives off that sort of “reddit good boy uwu” kinda humour which I guess sort of fits with the premise of the game but it still put me a bit off. On the topic of the premise, it’s kinda hit or miss for me especially near the end. I won’t go into spoilers but the game starts to take it’s story far too seriously for a game where you play as a living turnip who fights snails. Gameplay is fine albeit a bit barebones. It mostly consists of backtracking across the map and giving NPCs items to progress. Puzzles are very simple and easy which might be a positive or a negative depending on the person. Combat is very simple but works well enough for a game like this. The biggest thing I can recommend out of this game is the art style and soundtrack. Overall I had a fine time with this game but I doubt I’ll come back to it.

Reviewed on Nov 10, 2023
