Even in the modern age of video games, Half-Life 2 is a technical masterpiece. The Source Engine is one of the most fine tuned engines I've ever played with. It's still fun to mess around with physics even after all these years. The gameplay takes full advantage of its new engine, especially with the introduction of the Gravity Gun. You can throw explosive barrels at enemies, toss back grenades they throw, use furniture to help cover gunfire, etc. The environments are stellar, my favourite being Ravenholm with its dark lighting and gruesome details like corpses being hung up on walls. The story is a bit basic and the dialogue could be better but this is a game that prides itself on its gameplay first and foremost so it doesn't really matter in the long run. An easy 10/10.

Reviewed on Dec 06, 2023

1 Comment

5 months ago

Is the story basic? I've always felt like Half-Life has quite a complex story in the wider scheme of the narrative, like the Combine hierarchy and Breen's allegiances etc