5 reviews liked by TN_618

My favourite game of all time. The amount of things you can do in this game is endless. The base game is okay, some things I don't like, such as the combat system, but the game is 1000x better with mods. Very easy to get lost in this game

I've had to forcefully remove myself from this game multiple times for my own mental state. Do NOT play ranked if you want a chill gaming experience. You WILL get teammates that WILL piss you off in ways never before imagined. While the rush of a close game does feel quite good, you'll be ready to rip your Switch of the dock and onto the floor due to losing a 3rd ranked match in a row, due to teammates that have NO idea how to play a MOBA. While you may find some genuinely cool and good people playing the game (Shout-out to Sylvie the GOAT) the vast majority of the time you'll find people who are eh or even just plain bad at the game.

While I do not agree that this game is P2W, cosmetics are disgustingly overpriced. (~$40 for a different looking Lucario). When this game first dropped, I spent a few bucks here and there, but I wouldn't be caught dead spending more than $10 om this game.

Overall, the game isn't terrible, but it will almost certainly put you in a terrible mood.

While opinions are torn on this entry. This one will always be the scariest to me, due to the close to home (literal) setting and lonely atmosphere.

I thought this game didn't exist for years and I am so glad it does. That being said it's a 3 star game.

This was the borderland I grew up on the most and like I never understood the hate behind it before as a child and especially now as a sucker for good stories and writing especially for villains which this game has son fucking lock like to do a handsome jack backstory and have him be victim n shit sounds dumb but it's so fucking good man like if I had a top 5 villian backstory list he'd dead ass be the number one man like not until looking back on it but my love for subtly and all the other shit I mentioned earlier stems from this fucking game like the everything revolving around jack is genuinely 10/10 masterclass of backstory writing and tragic characters n shit like the fact I was able to as a kid understand and follow what they were going for with his character n shit goes to show how palpable (if that's the word) the writing is man like he's so good I wish I was intelligent to explain it and do just how good his character is justice but Ill have to just say I love him and his turn to the dark side is better than Anakin in star wars could ever hope to be bit yeah I can never hate this game or have anything negative surrounding it I have so many memories on this game it's insane I've be sleeping on my praise n shit this game really was a staple of my childhood in every aspect like I remember so vividly that boss with that girl in the mech took me WEEKS to beat and my dad had to take my ps3 away cus of much I was crying and getting angry n shit and when I finally beat her I felt like fucking him bro one of the first memories of me feeling like him that I could remember ong and thisnone of a few games I played as a kid when even known remember every line of dialogue and I'd try to do impressions on the characters n shit such good memories man love this game ONLY GOOD MEMORIES/10 i feel like I've every jack scene so much it's like in my blood type shit