I tried so hard and got so far…and in the end it didn’t even matter….

Saw The Video Game is certainly a unique game. Being a fan of the movies I really adored this game when it came out during the initial run of said movies. I remember liking this game to the max with my brand new PlayStation 3. I felt like I was on top of the word. What took me months to beat as a teenager nearly took me about 5 hours coming back to it and wow, my rose tinted glasses certainly felt cracked lol. This game is not bad per se but it’s also not a good one either. It’s decent for what it is, I really enjoyed the first part of the game but after a while it really becomes repetitive and you really feel like you just want it to end. The enemy A.I is so laughable, I never felt once threatened by them and even the “big enforcers” that look intimidating. I felt more scared of the shotgun trip wire traps than the enemies honestly. I probably died to them just as much as the enemies lol. The Jank of this game is certainly at the forefront it doesn’t stop especially with its combat system. Sometimes I felt stun locked because of my character taking so damn long to swing like wtf!!! Puzzles on the other hand are quite repetitive as there are like 4 generic types and the special ones where I have to actually think are only unique when you are saving a unique person pertaining to the plot.

Atmosphere on the other hand 10/10, they nail the saw atmosphere so well and actually makes you feel like you are in the world of the movies. The immersion on the cutscenes I was really admiring a lot since Tobin Bell reprised his role as Jigsaw. Music isn’t really that memorable honestly and from my play through they didn’t even bother using Hello Zepp which is really head scratching as this is probably the most iconic music in all of SAW, but I’m sure there was probably some studio interferences as they later used it in its video game sequel SAW II: Flesh and Blood.

Overall, if you are a fan of the SAW franchise. I would say give it a shot. It certainly scratches that itch of an interactive SAW experience. As a non SAW fan, very very hard to recommend. You will probably not like it one bit and not knowing the little Easter eggs the game throws or the characters pertaining to plot elements in the movies will only cause confusion. I managed to platinum this game fairly easily so trophy hunters, this game is for you as it sits at a 30%, an uncommon platinum for sure lol. It’s a messy game for sure but I didn’t hate it.

Reviewed on Jan 07, 2024
