🤙 Here comes Trouble, make it a Double! 🤙

Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! takes the beloved platforming formula of its predecessors and adds its own unique twist, delivering another adventure that feels very lukewarm compared to what came before it.

Taking a page from DKC2 we are now without our main protagonists from the very first DKC. Dixie Kong and her new partner, Kiddy Kong while feel the same as DK and Diddy Kong they charm isn't quite there unfortunately and feel slightly different than DK or Diddy. It mainly falls under the lack of Innovation. Compared to its predecessors, DKC3 doesn't introduce many new gameplay mechanics or innovations. As a result, it may feel somewhat repetitive in some aspects at least playing them back to back to back. While the game features a wide variety of environments to explore, from its open world map and approaching worlds in anyway you want it may turn off some folks from how the structure was laid in DKC and DKC 2 as it doesn't really provide any story cues. It's mostly just get up and go explore without knowing what the objective is till you have to search for it from a Kong.

Coming back to Kiddy Kong, Compared to Dixie have her own unique abilities, such as helicopter spin and Kiddy's rolling attack, I always felt Dixie was more playable more than Kiddy about 70% of the time Dixie abilities are just super top tier to get out of a pinch which is why I prefer her almost the whole playthrough.

Music is pretty good on all fronts but there was maybe 1-2 I really was saying these are absolute banger. For some reason it doesn't quite hit the same as DKC or DKC2. Even at its lowest, it still performs a immaculate soundtrack that wasn't really to be messed with on the SNES.

Now I am not saying the game is all bad, it just Okay. It's not a super leap like DKC2. This felt like a very safe 3rd entry. I forgive it as Rareware was probably moving on to the Nintendo 64 as this released the same year as this game. Having to move on from the SNES, you probably don't have your A team as the hardware is evolving.

Overall, Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! is a very safe entry in the beloved series, offering up more of the same great platforming action but not really adding much to the gameplay. I would still recommend playing it but just know its not gonna be better than 2. Having DKC release back to back to back every year is already a treat and now being about to play them consecutively on the Nintendo Switch SNES Online app is a great way to cash in on the nostalgia.

Reviewed on May 03, 2024


26 days ago

I always felt like DKC3 was there just to be more of DKC2 and DKC1. It sorta feels like there was no more to add to the platforming

26 days ago

@petro_sino Yeah I would agree that it was there to be more of DKC1 & 2. Rareware having a perfect storm of conditions in 1996 for sure was the right move in hindsight. It is wild to me that after this game the Country Series wouldn't return till 2010. 14 Years later since the SNES trilogy ended.