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Time Played

8h 20m

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Boring. Just boring. It's not even bad, it's just plain boring. Like, I think it's quality is decent but I don't know, even the quality can be better. The animations straight feel like the kinds of stock animations you used in that one game you made in Unity when you were like 7. It's just... boring. Boredom. Boring-Fest. Nothing interesting going on. The characters are plain and simple, the storyline is very predictable and just... monotone. It's the safest game ever made and somehow it's still lacking. The handling is just... horrible, the control response system is just, really slow and that's not a performance issue that's just how the game is (I played it on both PS5 and PC).

I don't know, it feels like they just went for a one-to-one remake that's just purely to see what kind of game they can make with a story laid out to them and somehow they managed to make it a snoozefest. The characters aren't much interesting. I mean they're cool, they have all the cool mannerisms to them and you look and say "wow he's badass" but they're just... that. Very one dimensional. I expected more from a triple A tbh, especially one funded by 2K and Take Two. Take Two should just keep their investments into GTA and nothing else, no open world even comes close, I mean you got Mafia trying and Take Two funding both sides of the competition but we have a very clear winner.

Honestly I wouldn't have been surprised if they were trying to clear the stage up for a Mafia Online or are planning to do so with Mafia 4, it seems they're just trying to compete in the open-world genre like every other niche action-adventure GTA clone but... yeah, nothing comes close to GTA let's be honest here. Rockstar are a different breed man.

But yeah, as with all my other reviews and just how I am as a person, I don't like to get into details or specific things, I look at things very broadly and bigger picture wise so I don't really rate certain segments of the story I just rate it overall. All I have to say about the story is, like every other aspect of the game, it's very plain and simple.

Go here. Do that. Goes here. Does that. This guy is causing a problem, blow his car up, beat them in a race, kill that, bomb that guy, just... go here do that, basically. And it doesn't go beyond that or try to innovate in any way. When there is an element besides the horribly done cover system and the shooting parts... it's also just... horrible.

The maze in The Guard Tower mission is some of the most horribly designed level creation in a game, I got through it easy but like... it's so annoying and tedious to move, and it doesn't help that like I said, the controls and animations are janky as all hell. So anything that's NOT shooting in this game is tedious. Healing from medkits is tedious. Getting through tight spots is tedious... waiting on an animation just for Tommy to pick up bullets or heal or whatever is tedious, like what's the point in these? I never get it. In games where you have a really long animation every time you have to do something that's integral to the gameplay element like looting a corpse in RDR2 or healing in this game, or like when you go through tight spots in Ragnarok or in RE7 or in all these triple A action adventures there's always this constant need for really long unnecessary drawn out animations... to draw out the game length? Are you that unsatisfied and unsecure about the total amount of hours the game is? Like come on.

Honestly it's quite a tragedy, I believed this game could have had potential but it falls short where every other triple A falls short... too safe... too unambitious... too impassionate. The usual. I yearn for the days where singleplayer was consistently good, where people didn't accept generic games like this and the competition was really fierce. Pretty sad tbh.