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Very fun game. I really love how they took a really bad movie and somehow made it a really good game; recycled it, made it sort of a fixer-upper by just redoing the whole concept with some touch of brilliant Insomniac gameplay.

For the first game; it was fun and diverse, but then when Insomniac wanted to slam their own little touch on it with the sequel it got pretty bad, I liked the game it just felt too generic; it's like Insomniac just limits their own potential whenever they make a kids game, which this isn't but it is more pandering to a younger audience for a family-friendly vibe... I think that hinders Insomniac's own storytelling abilities.

Now the movie had some good scenes, and using some story changes as well as just a general change of direction for the plot and you have this good game. So yeah, it's pretty fun. It'd be cool if it came out on PC though.