Is this a work of art?
Is this the perfect game?
Is this... the Magnum Opus of Video Gaming?
To most, no. To me, yes.

It has its flaws. It has its problems. But those are irrelevant to me. I am so blinded and so engrossed by the utter, constant and consistent hits of dopamine I get from this Mona Lisa of gaming that I can't see any of that. I can't see anything. I am blinded by this art.

I will glaze this game to the day I die. I thought Spider-Man 2018 was unbeatable, then we got another work of art that makes Spider-Man look like the dumpster I can see through my window. Now, of course, I never saw that dumpster while playing this masterpiece because I was only looking at the screen displaying the masterful rendering of pixels that bring me chemicals that give me the illusion of joy. Ah yes.

But also, metaphorically speaking, with the dumpster being a one-to-one stand-in for the first Spider-Man game, I can't see it now. I cannot play the first one without vomitting internally and my mind just producing an endless stream of ideas along the lines of "Damn. I should be playing Spider-Man 2 now." This doesn't just extend to that one particular scenario.

Every time I do something in life I think to myself "Damn. I should be playing Spider-Man 2 now." it is consuming my mind. Every time I wanna be productive, every time I wanna touch grass, it's like a plague but constantly warping through my mind, not like a plague, but like a venom... dare I say. Me and my thoughts have a symbiotic relationship. While they benefit me with internal logic, and I benefit them with external input, they shall always plague me with the one thought
"Damn. I should be playing Spider-Man 2 now."

Every time. Every time I wanna break free and just forget about this game and move on. Play a new game.
While I am playing the new game
"Damn. I should be playing Spider-Man 2 now."
While I am touching grass
"Damn. I should be playing Spider-Man 2 now."
While I am touching myself
"Damn. I should be playing Spider-Man 2 now."
While I am eating
"Damn. I should be playing Spider-Man 2 now."
While i am studying
"Damn. I should be playing Spider-Man 2 now."

When will I be free?
Never. So long as Spider-Man 2 exists on my PS5... Never.

Reviewed on Jun 28, 2024
