This game, or, let's say, this entire series, has cult status... for some weird reason.

I gave it a shot, multiple times actually; every year, I'd replay it, thinking I'll eventually like it. "Well, I haven't played it in a while, maybe I got lost in my tracks, lemme just restart from chapter 1 and maybe now I'll be able to pick up and like it".

Nope. It's just not good.
And no, I'm not rating it based on 2024 standards, I'm rating it based on 2004 standards, and for every entry in the series; based on when it was made.

The game just never picks up. It never gets interesting. It's just your average shooter; shoot, clear level, clear puzzle, clear level, clear puzzle. It is so monotone and outright boring. There is never anything interesting or anything to even consider playing for. I think Gordon is a cool badass and all that but it doesn't extend beyond that, he's just a shadow for you to project yourself onto, and the rest of the characters can be very interesting... if and when you spend time with them. Throughout most of the game (and the two episodes) you're just on your own, on a boat, solving god-knows whatever puzzle, there's a million routes, some dead ends, some loops, some mazes, it's just a confusing mess of a game that doesn't really change. It's just the same. Sure it was innovative for it's time, but now, it's unplayable, almost. It's like your average FPS action adventure shooter. The Gravity Gun is interesting when they actually let you use it, which in most cases; you barely do. It's kinda like the problem with Portal, lots of cool concepts, but they're executed very poorly.

Reviewed on Jun 29, 2024
