There's a common misconception that Final Fantasy games are radically different from each other; that every numbered entry is a completely different experience with zero carry-over between them. But in actuality, Final Fantasy games borrow a lot more from each other than you think. FF7's Materia are just FF6's Espers turned inside-out. FF4's Active Time Battle system was reused in five consecutive entries after its introduction. The first boss of FF4, 5, 6, and 7 are functionally identical to each other. And FF5 is a refinement of not just the Job system introduced in FF3, but everything the franchise was known for up to that point.

Final Fantasy V is the definitive Final Fantasy of the fourth generation. If you're only vaguely familiar with the franchise and try to envision it in your head, FFV is the closest you get to that vision. Everything there is to know about the series can be found here; common recurring classes, the enemies you'll come across, items & equipment you'll get your hands on, even some common boss mechanics. It's all here, in one of the best damn entries of the franchise.

If you've never played Final Fantasy... start with the first one. But if the NES grates on you... skip to IV. But after you finish IV, play Final Fantasy V. You will not regret it.

Reviewed on Mar 18, 2022
