A game that is simply so fun and enganging from start to finish, Psychonauts 2 was well worth the wait.

As a sequel, i cannot stress how much Double Fine improved over the first game, the biggest issues with that one have been terminated, while only losing a bit of the originality that the first game had. I think they could have done more with the genre-blending but at the same time, i don’t think there’s many games out there that have ever been made better by adding point and click mechanics.

Psychonauts 2 might genuinely have my favorite levels of any game, because every level of this game has more unique visuals than most entire games have. I was constantly looking forward to the next one because they just kept getting better and better, there’s no low-points to this games levels, they don’t ever stop.

The way the game tells a story with those levels, and that being the like, the main way to learn things about characters is so brilliant. It’s a game that that finds the perfect middle ground between giving the player no interaction in the narrative, and making the narrative a chore to explore.

Psychonauts 2 is a game that reminds you of how fun video games can be at their core, it’s a perfect sequel to an already great game, it might be my favorite platformer ever, and it’s my Game of the Year 2021.

Reviewed on Aug 25, 2021
