I'm just not feeling it. Even if i ignore the monetization i'm not a big fan of how this game plays. It feels perfectly wedged in the middle of being a more grounded tactical shooter and a hero shooter, while only taking the flaws commonly associated with either of those genres. It has hectic, hard to read combat, where enemies and allies are constantly flying around with their abilities and weapons, and you can't really tell what killed you, but it also has focused objectives that you're supposed to strategize around and co-operate on, honestly it feels to chaotic to actually focus on the objective of the game, Overwatch made that as simple as just standing in a certain position, but in this game you have to plant a bomb, which simply doesn't feel like a well thought out mechanic in a game with movement like this. It's all too easy to move in on the location, and too hard to keep people out. A point never feels secure or locked down, only the centerpoint of a battle, especially since the maps are small, extremely basic, and the two objectives are placed right next to each other. I don't play enough shooting games to know if this is a common thing, but if the points are right next to each other, why even have two? I thought the whole point of having two was to make the teams split their forces, and give the offensive team an equalizer. In this game it doesn't really feel like there's much difference between offense and defense, just that offense has to do more work setting the bomb and protecting it, while defense just has top protect the point, and diffuse the bomb if planted., actually, that might be the same amount of work. The hero abilities feel neat, but not like they mesh with a specific playstyle or role, again, they feel caught in the middle between a game like Overwatch, where the heroes are very diverse and change the way the game plays in every match, and a game like Rainbow Six: Siege, where they're relatively standardized, so that just causes certain suits to be really annoying, without having a direct counter to get rid of them with, if you don't like Barbatos you just have to play an entirely different game to beat him, and that's the exact problem people have with Overwatch, you have to play around certain heroes.

Reviewed on Oct 01, 2022
