I beat this entire game within the scope of 2 days when it was featured on Steam as free for a weekend - there is just not very much content or difficulty at all once you figure out the system in the first hour or so.

However, my bigger complaint is that this lacks everything it is advertised as having (and assumed to have based on the prior Two Point game). In all the promotional material you see whacky classrooms and gadgets and silly stuff happening, much like Two Point Hospital and it's original inspiration Theme Hospital...however, with Two Point Campus there is basically just the cooking room that has any goofiness to it (which is what was featured in EVERY advertisement for it and on their steam page) and maybe the knight stuff as a "weird thing". Beyond that, it's very bland and boring with very little creativity involved in any of it - science class does boring to look at actual science type lessons, clown class surprisingly does basically nothing funny, etc. Loads of potential but ultimately a game that takes 2 days to beat and doesn't ever get past it's peak of "I guess this is okay". It's absolutely not terrible, but it's more of a maximum $15 time sink (priced at twice that) than anything more.

Reviewed on Oct 02, 2023
