This game started of with me being bored and wanting to quit wich is why it ended up on my back burner for so long and why it took over 2 years for me to beat but when my girlfriend suggested I play it I beat it in under a week and there was moments I felt like I was forcing myself to play this but also so many moments I was so engaged and intrigued with the characters. Let's get a very big point across first,this is a far cry game it's the fourth entry and at this point in time the far cry formula is so widely abused this felt different in ways but also exactly the same as the other games Ive played,I'm sure if I played this on release I would feel different Because the formula would of been so abused. I'll start with the pros of this game, a very good aspect of this game is the environment and tone this game has I really enjoy kyrat is such a great place to explore, another good aspect is story and how it makes you pick the fate of all the main characters and antagonists you encounter. Now let's speen run through all the cons,bad movement,hard terrain to manoeuvre around,shit gunplay, bad health system and repetitive objectives.

All in all this game is extremely mediocre and I would recommend playing it if you like far cry and missed out on this one or if for some reason you love the cancerous copy paste open world formula widely used today. I would not recommend this if you are burnt out of this genre it will not be mind blowing or keep you interested.

This game is just,fine.

Reviewed on Jan 11, 2024
