my fondest childhood memories came from playing minecraft, from playing with my brother on our x-box to playing with friends on our family computer. everything i am today is because of this game, without it i would be very different person to who i am today. there is nothing about this game that i would change, and even though i'm sad that the old days are over, i'm glad that they happened. minecraft will always have a special place in my heart and that is something that won't change.

i lost all my friends through this game

great game to play with friends/family

monkey pop balloon. i cheer.

used to play all the time with my brother on our old x-box 360, charming tower defense game that's really fun with friends

if the original dungeon defenders is jesus then this is satan, i couldn't even be bothered beating more than 3 levels

fun battle simulator but get's boring pretty quick. campaign is fun though

if the show was like this i would actually watch it

racist ass game white has an advantage because my friend was playing white and kept beating me it's not a skill issue it's racist game

it's funny when you blow up several villages with tsar bombs

i honestly don't get why everyone thinks this is scary. i mean it's unnerving being in a dark house with the threat of a ghost chasing you but i guess my idiot friends just make it hilarious instead

A disgusting cesspool of pointless driving and horrible controls and mechanics. Not to mention the stupid idiots i played with (my best friends)

Shooting my best friends is fucking awesome

I remember playing this with my friend all the time and i recently got it on steam while it was on sale. It's a fun game but the multiplayer mode is dead as hell, i'd rather just play the singleplayer skirmish and battle modes rather than wait ages to get into an online game. The game itself is pretty fun, gets pretty boring and repitetive after a while though. Overall i'm glad i got it on sale rather than paying full price.