Absolute perfection. Uncharted 4 takes the alright gameplay from the first three entries and expands upon it with some great new mechanics like using a rope to get to out of reach areas or to get in advantage in combat, The semi-open world vehicle exploration segments were also a nice change of pace and did add some more variety to the gameplay. The story was a definite highlight of the game with it being a lot more fleshed out compared to how they were in the prior games, Which makes sense as this game was directed by Neil Druckmann rather than Amy Hennig who did Uncharted 1-3. Sam was an interesting addition to the plot and all of the returning cast were great too. Overall I think this is an excellent conclusion to Nathan Drake's story (Please let this actually be the end Naughty Dog there’s no need to milk this dry like TLOU) and in my opinion is the best game in the franchise.

Reviewed on Feb 13, 2024

1 Comment

4 months ago

YES. I fucking love this game. Naughty Dog finally got a good last boss in one of these games. I just wish they didnt do Lost Legacy afterward. This was the perfect ending to this franchise. Lost Legacy is just kinda meh imo