Feel puzzling bliss as Zack, with the wii controller first functioning as your friend, Wiki. Eventually this puzzler allows you to turn every enemy into a tool you can grasp on your remote. Zack and Wiki became my most beloved Wii game after feeling how it placed puzzles snugly between my fingers.

There are many Looney Tunes implicit ways for your character to die on their adventure. But a simple shake of the Wii remote allows Wiki to gain control over your death dealers. Happily, I collected every tool Wiki could make out of enemy NPCs. The game required me to use each one of them in gameplay tasks only possible on the Wii.

You might've heard that this game is tough. And yes, it will have places where the player is likely to fail many times. The design team tries to balance these failures with a hint system the player can resort to, at expense of scarce tickets.

I believe this game has all kinds of reminders that it cares for its player. As a side activity, you have chances to have a companion find accessible OST, concept art and character models. I've only found this kind of fare in more remakes/remasters of older games.

If you're wanting to love a puzzle game as much as it loves you, the only thing I'll hand you is Z&W: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure.