I have an… interesting relationship with this game. See, I play it semi-competitively online(through dolphin) with a decently large group of friends, where we play each of the games 16 courses, with each placement rewarding a certain number of points(15 for 1st, 9 for second, 4 for 3rd and 1 for 4th) We even have power rankings for whoever wins the most over the course of a season! I really enjoy the social aspect of playing with my friends, and the core gameplay style and feel of this game’s driving keeps me coming back. However, I don’t think I have ever felt so much consistent despair, rage and fear than I do playing this game. When you pull back the hood, there is so much bullshit with the item mechanics and the physics that were seemingly programmed by a cat laying on someone’s keyboard, which leads to this game being an absolute clip farm above all else.

Overall, it’s really fun and a great social experience in the right contexts, but if you value your sanity DO NOT PLAY MKDD!

Reviewed on Jan 24, 2024
