Complete dogshit, absolutely the worst of the franchise, painfully unfinished.

Having to scoop up hundreds of useless junk items to feed into a settlement system that is quarter-baked at best? All XP gains nerfed to force you into leveling through settlements? The endless level grind instead of directed character builds? The painfully stupid story with characters you hate and a plot that makes no sense?

Just about every single part of this game could be and has been done better by the other 3D Fallouts. Fallout 76 (I know, I know) nailed the building and scavenging aspect by divorcing it from the underdone settlement management system, and New Vegas is the vastly superior RPG in just about every other way that matters. To make Fallout 4 works requires a boatload of mods and zero self-respect.

I do have to begrudgingly give it kudos for finally making a character controller that doesn't feel like complete shit, and changing how power armor works away from being just "the best armor" and into something with weight and feeling

Playing this game is knowing you're stuck on the hamster wheel, hating it, and continuing anyway.

Reviewed on May 18, 2024
