I am an easy seller when it comes between hack and slashes, and MadWorld is no acception to that. I love the game's art style and visuals. It has a very noir like setting to an already bloody game and I dig it. The soundtrack is top notch. The acting is great and the gameplay is solid, albeit a bit repetitive but that's what you expect from a game like this. But there's two factors for me that really holds this game back.

First off, the camera. We don't have full camera control, which is fine, but the automatic camera can really get in the way when it comes between fighting enemies, as they surround you and making it hard to take them out. Alongside with not seeing an enemy's attack.

Secondly, the motion controls. I don't know if this is a me issue or not, but the Wii remote and nunchuck controls felt very unresponsive at times. Especially when it comes between trying to pull of those sick finishing moves. It felt super janky for my liking and hindered my experience with the game. I wish there was an option to have other controller types so that way I would have been a bit more lenient on this. I get they wanted to utilize the Wiimote and Nunchuck a lot, but it still feels very off at times.

MadWorld is a solid game all around, and I did enjoy my time with it. But the only reason why it's getting 2 and a half stars is because of those two issues I pointed out earlier, mostly the latter. It is filled with jank at times and it really soured my experience with the game. With that said, I hope this game gets a remaster on the Switch soon and has better motion controls. If so, I will gladly bump this rating up to a high one.

Reviewed on Sep 20, 2022
