Gameplay: Unique ideas that I haven't seen in the series yet - learning spells over time with no durability, and skills being attached to weps, found that a pretty fun deviation. Post game I haven't done yet, but another +. Attack animations as usual are amazing. Perma stat buffs / res pools in each chars path also a nice addition. If I have to pick out a con with the gameplay, it would be the maps. Most are okay enough, but the bad ones are baaaad, and I wouldn't put a single map amongst my favorites in this series. A lighter con would be the convoy having limited item space, man this frustrated me at times. I had to waste a lot of food cus I ended up hitting the cap too often, ended up just selling excess, but also leads back to fatigue being kinda weird. Rarely ever needed to bother with it, only a few times in the longer dungeons, but they had fountains to fix that.

Music: OST overall is pretty good standard FE stuff, with some high quality pieces tossed throughout. Act 4 world map and final map get special mentions from me

Visuals: Art was fantastic across the board, characters, to the different portraits, to dungeons/towns on explorations and backgrounds. Gushed about it during most of my run.

Dialogue/cast/story: Story is decent, wouldnt' go out of my way to gush about it. The dialogue and cast though are fantastic, so many little convos and lines to find. Adding in the prisms for extra scenes made it a joy when finding them, better reward than anything else from the battles lol. Cheers to Mae for cracking me up most of the time, Valbar for straight up wholesome bro, and the duo for being my favorite pairing.

Reviewed on Jan 06, 2023
