Pit People 2018

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Played this with a friend who was very enthusiastic about it and had already beaten it multiple times which made me think it was going to be a great game. It had everything going for it especially because I love Caste Crashers. However, after playing through the first few levels and getting through the first boss, I began to realise I had already gotten bored. For some weird reason, the combat lacks any cathartic feel, the enemies are mostly tanky and annoying, meaning each battle takes longer than it should. For the amount of time I played it, I felt that it was severely lacking depth as all you do is just move the characters around. When I found out how long it took to beat this game I wanted to abandon it as I could not force myself to endure the combat. Honestly, the writing is hilarious and the narrator is funny but alas, the story alone was not enough to keep me playing. I wish I could love this game as much as my friend does.