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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 5, 2022

Platforms Played


For the Warp's concept is striking and clear, Slay the Spire by way of FTL. The game is a good effort, but making good card games is HARD. Encounters feel either way to much or extremely trivial with very little in between. The cards themselves are similarly unbalanced, cards trivialize fights or are completely useless. On top of that, the general philosophy of fights and the power cards in the game tilt heavily towards defense, making it optimal in most combats to turtle up and chip away for a few minutes until victory. Most runs by the middle I had stopped taking any damage at all, victory all but assured, yet I had to continue slogging through dozens of fights to reach the end. Runs are LONG, filled with 'garbage time' where i wasn't making a single meaningful choice; just going through the motions until i could finish the run. I know that the years of updating and balancing that Slay the Spire and FTL went through are not something that every game can commit to, but there is a reason that those are two of the best games of the last decade, and For the Warp is sadly something i say pass on. StS and FTL are still amazing and still right there.