Comedy is always subjective, but boy did this game fail to make me laugh. If pop culture references and stock gamer humor are your cup of tea, then maybe you will get more out of it than I. There are some genuinely fun puzzle set ups and and moments, but the plodding momentum, boring story, and tepid humor make those moments fleeting and far between. For a game only 5 hours long, everything you do feels like wading through molasses, puzzles constantly get interrupted by dialog/comedy moments, a large section in the middle half of the game is almost intentionally slow and boring as a meta joke, which turns out doesn't make it any less slow and boring!

There Is No Game feels like a project that has a fair amount of heart put into it, given that a chunk of its plot seems to be directly influenced by it starting out as a Kickstarter game that failed to reach funding. However, I can't say that heart translated into a game worth experiencing.

Reviewed on May 04, 2021
