I really wanted to rank this game higher than this but I honestly couldn't, the game is very good as far as being 2D platformer in the same vein as Mega Man X, the controls are smooth, the story is okay, it's nothing deep really and if you've played the past Gunvolt series games you'll see the same pattern of storytelling. The music is very much amazing just as the prior games were as well.

Where this game falls short at is...well...exactly that...this game is short, about 4 to 6 hours long, and for a 2D platformer that's not bad, but the story also doesn't do anything to help how short it feels, nothing is sat on very long and it's obvious there is to be a sequel, but to me it feels like the sequel is gonna be the other half of the game. To add to the game's lack of length, it's not difficult to say the least, boss patterns were easy to get after dying once and the only challenge came from the end.

All in all, if you love the Azure Gunvolt games or Mega Man X/Zero series then definitely play this, just make sure you get it on sale or for cheap, the game really feels shorter than it is.

Reviewed on Nov 24, 2021


2 years ago

Doing the special missions and shooting for S+ ranks will greatly increase your playtime, and will also alleviate any problems you had with the lack of difficulty.

2 years ago

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10 months ago

I know this is a late reply, but I just learned I can do this @PKMudkipz

Hmm I can see that, but on the other hand I looked it up and you really don't get anything for it...while yes it's all about the fun and gives you more to do, I have quite a backlog of JRPGs and other games and can't find myself inclined to that kind of extra stuff with no incentive, but you are right, those would have fixed the issue, not really my style unless I'm REALLY into that game, that much. ^^

10 months ago

for most people the incentive for playing for score is the fact that it's way more fun, and it feels intrinsically rewarding to see the score/rank get higher and higher. but if youre the kind of person that needs extrinsic motivation to engage with a game then yeah gunvolt games probably arent for you