So I originally bought this just because I knew it was a Metroidvania and I thought it was more of a "choose your character and go" kind of game, that's it, I had no other notion of the game besides that and very few images, yet I still bought it. And I'm glad I did.

I honestly wasn't expecting such an amazing yet minimalistic love letter to retro Metroidvania type games. It also has an element of rogue-lite in it as well, you're not actually punished for dying, in fact it's kind of the opposite in a way, you are rewarded for lasting as long as you can and the more enemies and/or bosses you kill, the better stuff you are given when you die and have to try again to get back to where you were. It's actually pretty thrilling, it took a bit to catch on, but once I understood it I loved the game.

The music is honestly stellar, it's really good and has a kind of NES era vibe to it.

The story is a bit of a mixed bag, at the beginning you are told a slight bit of the story and the character's purpose annnnnnnd that's about save points the characters have dialogue as well as the character you are using comments on things here and there, but you could go quite a while without seeing any progression in the story itself, exploration is really the whole key to the game.

If I had to think of any flaws I have maybe two, one being that, the game takes a bit for you to understand how it wants you to play, if you don't learn to understand that the game wants you to explore and grind a little then you could easily find yourself frustrated and losing interest and I don't feel the game eases you into the correct mindset. Second, the controls are a tad frustrating, not all of them, just the climbing and falling through ladders and open spaces you are supposed to just climb yet you fall instead, it's something you'd have to play to understand, but some of the controls make platforming a bit frustrating. But that's about it for negatives, I really enjoyed what I played and I'm glad I just too a leap of faith and tried it out.

Reviewed on Aug 31, 2022
