Again this is just contra Hard Corps but with robots in the place of characters and enemies, other than that, same game. I'll put my thoughts on Contra Hard Corps below to explain the same thing.

I honestly think this game does a lot of stuff that took Contra to that next level that I didn't think it'd go to.

You get options of 4 characters and all have different loadouts that differ quite heavily from each other. the game goes at a VERY fast pace and it's quite difficult for it, sometimes to the point of being unfair. The bosses are actually a joy to fight because they don't follow any of the conventions of the past games and stages are all different and have different story paths leading to different bosses and different stages connecting.

I feel like this is how the Contra series should have moved forward, while this game is pretty hard, it's rewarding by being different and a breath of fresh air to the series.

Reviewed on Apr 18, 2023
