This game has some big dick energy for coming out of absolutely nowhere and then being this good.

This game's artstyle is fucking perfect, and personally feels like some really awesome hidden gem title from the PS2 or Gamecube with a modern essence. Everything is so stylistic and the animation is not only great in the separated cutscenes but also in game cutscenes too.

It's not all just style though, despite the combos being pretty simple, mastering the games rhythm controls isn't as easy as you'd think as you have to pay attention to your surroundings while syncing with the beat. Let me tell you tho, pulling off a good, in-sync combo feels way too satisfying. There's also a good few platforming sections, which are pretty fine and useful for looking for gears (main currency) and upgrade parts but I think there should be more movement options because some of the platforming is a bit basic. That's really my only true gripe with this game though.

Despite the trailers making Chai seem insufferable, he's actually not a bad protag. Some might find him predictable but I just find him pretty fun as a character, and he's definitely better later on. The other characters are also super fun and charming! Two of my favourites are definitely Macaron because he's just a homie overall and [REDACTED] because they're super badass. The story is a good ol rebels take down the megacorp plot but honestly feels enhanced with the charming characters and visuals.

If you have an Xbox or PC, I DEMAND you not sleep on this game please-

Reviewed on Feb 02, 2023
