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1 day

Last played

June 17, 2020

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Some say FFXV is good. Others say it's mediocre or even bad. Me? I say it's a complete and utter storytelling failure, so much so that it becomes an embarrassment.

Great graphics, good music and a good main cast are all the positives it has, with everything else, from the combat, to the exploration/side-quests, to the camping mechanics, to the driving, to the clarity and structure of the narrative, all ranging from shallow to underdeveloped. It had a few good standalone moments, sure (the beginning with the car), and the story itself perhaps could have been great but the way it was told was so much of a mess--cutting and skipping important shit every chance it got, or kicking it to the sidelines--that I felt 200% of those 35 hours having been a waste. Seriously, fuck this game. There should have been more broken down cars and less "pulled out of ass" plagues.

4- out of 10 and I hate how generous I'm being.