I don't consider Visual Novels to be games unless they showcase some sort of actual gameplay at some point (Huniepop or Doki Doki) so I'll be judging this purely as an interactive narrative, with images and sound added.

In that sense, it's pretty good. The soundscapes blend well with the the distorted, unintelligible, visuals, to create a very torturous ambience. Very Lynchian in nature, very commendable, and the clear highlight. The writing itself doesn't really falter either, but seems to waver ever so slightly upon nearing the end. The 4th-wall breaking unveils itself as underdeveloped after all, and the finale, although decent in its own right, falls short of the sequences before--it did, however, arrive at the right time, when the story was already showing signs of dragging.
The atmosphere does make up for most of its shortcomings though.

It's a very short but sweet project that most fans of cerebral art would likely benefit from checking out.

Reviewed on Apr 11, 2023
