“Hey Sonic, enjoy your future, it’s gonna be great!”

Ok objectively this is at least an 8/10. I’ve been stuck between giving it a 6 or 7 depending on how annoyed I feel, but it's been more than 24 hours since I touched Planet Wisp so I think I’ll be generous.

My last playthrough was 7 whole years ago. All I remember is struggling a lot until I got stuck on the Shadow race and put the game down.

So the main thing is that I really, really suck at 2D Sonic. I’m really impressed with some of the videogames I’ve beaten, but if you hand me a Sonic game I’ll look like a 4 year old that’s never held a controller before. After several years and 3 good attempts I still couldn’t enjoy Sonic Mania and had to put it down. The best parts of Sonic Generations are definitely the 3D segments. They have the biggest thrills and pretty decent gameplay. Although falling out of bounds never looks like your fault because of the rollercoaster-like stage design. Unfortunately for me like 70% of this game is 2D, because as well as Classic Sonic being fully 2D, plenty of Modern Sonic includes long 2D segments. At least you get the homing attack to make things feel a little more exciting. 2D isn’t really my thing since it’s mostly waiting for moving platforms or making really weird jumps that I can never seem to get right.

This is really a love letter to the franchise since every stage is a locale from a previous game. To a non-fan like me this is just “holographic green hill zone again?” but I’m sure long-time fans really appreciate it. It's more impressive when you consider that a 20th anniversary game works this well on its own. Modern Sonic music is surprisingly a banger. Story is bare-bones but that’s pretty standard for platformers. Dialogue is corny but Eggman is still the GOAT.

Reviewed on May 15, 2024
