Oh my god. Oh my dear God what the actual hell were they trying to accomplish with this? This is quite possibly the absolute worst game I've played? I'm not very well versed in knowledge of game design. All I ultimately care about is if I had fun. But this game, it reeks. It reeks so much that even I can see how flawed it is from every fundamental level.

The graphics alone look terrible, and that's just the surface of the problems. I can deal with a fun but terrible looking game. But let's get the elephant in the room out of the way. The button scheme: DEAR GOD. This is the absolute worst design choice I have ever seen in a game. They could've improved the game SO MUCH if they had just programmed one button to use your power and one button that you can use to jump at all times. This idea to make the game simpler makes it actually even more tedious and hindering. Some costumes you can't even jump with BECAUSE EVERY BUTTON DOES THE SAME DAMN THING!?!?!? I probably wouldn't be as upset about that IF THE GAME WASN'T A FRICKING PLATFORMER! THE LITERAL POINT OF THE GENRE IS TO JUMP! And the powers are just so lame. Like I didn't come across a single costume that I enjoyed. Nor do I enjoy the costume-less character.

The only things I enjoy are the incredibly cursed dance sequences at the end of every section. Those are hilarious. But what you have to get through to get to those glorious cringe moments are just not fun at all.

Honestly, I just cannot believe this game is real. I wish the developers the best and I understand that this was a failed experiment, but I still just can't fathom how something like this can come to be.

Reviewed on Jan 13, 2022
