Love love love love Metroid. Had a blast with Super and Samus Returns, just shipped Dread through the mail. I love this series, I'd now consider it among my favorites of Nintendo's.

But my god, they had a ways to go after the first one.

I just can't play this game, it's too rudimentary, it's too difficult, but even without those factors, it's just boring. This is some of the least fun I've ever had playing a game. The enemy variety is just not there, and it's not nearly as gorgeous as Super, but that's understandable due to it being a NES game.

I just don't like the NES that much, hate to say it, I really don't. I'll play through more, but I've only really loved Mario 3 and that's it. This game just... I had to put it down. It does not work for me at all. Love what this game led to and I respect it for that. But I'll play Zero Mission instead whenever I can.

Reviewed on Aug 04, 2022
