Ok I'm done with all 3 routes.

As a casual first timer to the Musou genre who mostly just did observing through the DW games this has been almost exactly how I envisioned them to play.

I like the character variety and how their combos differ with certain paths, I enjoy the story even if they basically were all real events (basically I like how they adapted it here) and the game's artstyle is super pretty with the paintbrush aesthetic.

I think this game is great on short spurs however, it can get quite repetitive if playing for long periods of time and Citadel mode is a fun distraction but otherwise it lost me near the end and I just stuck doing the main campaign.

Still it's a lot of fun and a really good "cooldown" game for me during last year and the beginning of this one.

Low 8/10

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2022
