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A fun car combat game to play solo or with a friend. There are several single player and multiplayer modes that make for a lot of replay value if you like the core gameplay, though the missions in the quest mode are all very similar. The maps look different, but I think they could have used more variety in the size and layout, and some of the map gimmicks fall flat - for instance trying to maneuver in the snow without skies is a pain, and the alligators and sharks are just annoying.
On the plus side, there is a good variety of weapons and car types, and each character has a special weapon and vehicle with distinct attributes that can be upgraded over time - the balancing isn't great but still adds good variety.

The story is very intricate for this type of game and can get confusing, but I really enjoy it - as you play characters you learn more and more of it and see how their paths cross - pretty nifty IMO.
The main menu theme is fantastic, but otherwise the music is forgettable - not terrible, just not great. The graphics have obviously aged and it looks rough on a big screen now, but they were good for their time.
Overall not as good as Twisted Metal, but a fun alternative and certainly worth trying if you like car combat games.