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in comparison to the previous entries Silent Hill Homecoming is a bland mushy bowl of pulp that is nowhere near as good as games like Silent Hill 2 and 3, hell I'd say in comparison Downpour has more going on than Homecoming.

I think the main reason is because Homecoming just isn't scary, when it comes to the other games I can have an uneasy sense of dread, I imagine cause playing as a (supposed) military solider, but with that being said there was one thing that surprised me, the reveal that Alex was a mental hospital patient instead of a solider, that actually caught me off guard, but when it comes to the rest of the story it's rather unremarkable.

other than one thing, one really shitty thing, the inclusion of Pyramid Head, other wise known as Red Pyramid Thing, why is it shitty you might be asking? well mainly due to the fact that Pyramid Head is supposed to be a monster born of Silent Hill 2 protagonist James Sunderland's guilt and desire for punishment, Pyramid Head was born from James and I find it super shitty that they tried to pander to people with the use of it in stuff that doesn't even involve James, such as this, Silent Hill Book Of Memoires, that shitty Silent Hill Movie (Revelations), to me it comes across as a blatant disregard for the source of where it came from.

that aside I mentioned earlier Homecoming just isn't a fun game to play in terms of wanting a scary and horrific experience, mainly due to the fact that Alex, who I previously stated was a mental ward patient and not a military solider fights as if he was one, being skilled with weapons, being able to swing said weapons in quick succession, able to give an uppercut with them and being able to deal a finishing blow, this pretty much neuters any horror there could have been with this game and drains any tension since he fights like an actual solider, it would have been cool to have been given that backstory but have him be frail from being in a hospital, it could have been an indicator that not everything is as it seems, for Alex as a character anyway.

that aside one thing that actually pissed me off was this particular glitch I came across on my first playthrough, you have to go into a Hotel and travers the place, at one point you need to jump through a hole to get to the next act, but (if I remember correctly) if you fight certain enemies along the way the prompt to jump down just won't appear, essentially locking you from progressing forward, I even had to reset my save file, I mean granted it was near the start of the game but the fact that a game like this with a huge legacy behind it has a glitch like this if fucking disgraceful.

only thing I can say I genuinely like about Homecoming was it's music, "One More Soul To The Call", "Elle Theme" and "Alex's Theme" are really good songs.

but over all Silent Hill Homecoming is an unremarkable game with every game that came before it being better in every single area, go play Silent Hill 1-4 instead of this miserable pile of shit,

Reviewed on Apr 16, 2023

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