Panzer Dragoon Remake is a remake of a classic Sega Saturn game I have never played. The only thing I know about Panzer Dragoon is that a later game of the franchise titled Panzer Dragoon Saga is considered one of the best Sega Saturn games. This game from MegaPixel Studio is fine.

It is a rail shooter on a dragon. There are 7 stages and the game took me around an hour to beat. I played the game with the "Classic" controls because I did not like the "Modern" controls after completing the first stage.

The game does not look good visually. It is on par with an early Xbox 360 or PS3 title. I played the game in Performance Mode and still noticed some frame drops. Apparently, the game runs at like 504p using the Performance Mode in Docked Mode.

The MSRP for this game is $24.99 USD. That is a little steep for this type of game. I bought it on sale for $2.49 USD which I think that is a steal for a fine game like this.

Reviewed on Apr 03, 2023
