Fun little pick me up. Great game to try out if you're burnt out on the super fast paced route that modern gaming has been trending towards. Taught me to just take my time and enjoy the progression at my own pace. Appreciated that the game incentivises side quests.

Aside from the art style being very charming, the game doesn't do anything especially well. The game is fun largely due to its short length. It does not give you enough time to get bored of the gameplay. Story of the game is a feel good mini journey of an anxious protagonist learning to enjoy the little things in life. The story is cute and the happy ending leaves a smile on your face, though I wouldn't say that it was an amazing narrative. I didn't feel compelled to learn more about characters, because the game doesn't give me a reason to care about anything aside from the end goal of reaching the end of the hike. The personalities of the side characters are silly, but that's about all it gives you. Very much a game that you play on a Saturday evening with a hot drink and your favorite snack.

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2024
