I am not the target audience of Princess Peach Showtime, so I'm trying not to be too hard on it. For young girls, this may very well be the perfect gateway into gaming, much the same way that Barbie games were for myself.

Ultimately, there was legitimately a lot of fun to be had here, regardless of my criticisms. There were tons of creative and interesting boss fights, interesting level layouts, and some of Peach's "jobs" were unique and a breath of fresh air in the platformer space.

Unfortunately, my biggest criticism is that there just wasn't enough depth to the gameplay. I understand that this may very well be because, as I stated at the beginning, I am not the intended audience. Still, for people who have played a platformer before that are considering picking up the game, know that the mechanics, while varied and interesting, never get used for long enough to introduce any real challenge.

Additionally, I have to address the elephant in the room: This game runs horrifically on Switch. If ever there was an advertisement for why Nintendo needs to leave this console behind and move on to greener pastures, this is it. This is a fairly basic platformer, and the load times and framerate were still atrocious at times. I really hope this is the last full year of Switch titles before we finally see a new console launching next year.

Overall, if you have young children who want to get into gaming for the first time, this is a perfect title. For adults, while there is some charm and fun to be had here, I'd be a little more wary of paying full price for it.

Reviewed on Jun 23, 2024
