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When Avengers was released, it wasn’t a very good launch as many people were expecting a cool Marvel game where you could play as any of the mainline Avengers (including Ms. Marvel), they were met with a game that required a lot of playtime for little reward. The story itself can be finished within 12 or so hours if you focus only on the story missions, and the rest of the game would have players repeating similar missions with small changes like a final boss for nothing of value. It didn’t feel rewarding to them. Overtime additional content was released via new characters such as The Mighty Thor (Jane Foster) or The Winter Soldier, in addition to the campaign expressions with three content packs based around the post game story of the Avengers v. Scientist Supreme ;leader of A.I.M. which is the antagonist organization of the game.

Returning back to my decision to play, it was influenced by the video I talked about, but also the fact that Crystal Dynamic had decided to stop closing their in-game marketplace come May, 2023, and end support for the game in September, 2023. While this will happen, players that own the game (as it will be removed from marketplaces in September as well) are going to have access to all of the cosmetic items from the marketplace which means a lot of cool costumes, player card designs, and combat finishers. So I decided to attempt to finish the achievement list on my Xbox Series X as I had started playing the game sometime last year.

I found almost right away that I really enjoyed the game and the story. I loved the writing and the voice acting of actors like Troy Baker and Nolan North who play Bruce Banner (The Hulk) and Tony Stark (Iron Man) respectively. The levels made me feel that I was always doing something and allowed me to play as each character at some point in the story and later on focus on leveling up my favorites. I am currently focusing on leveling Ms. Marvel in my post game playthrough as I still have some achievements to complete and her combat style is versatile against various enemy types as she can extend her arms to punch drones from the sky, grow to a large size to stop on the bigger robotic foes, and heal the party with her abilities. I also found Captain America and Hawkeye to be fun to play as well due to their combat styles and storylines.

I worked through the main campaign where the Avengers were the cause of a public disaster with the destruction of their helicarrier base called The Chimera, which not only caused the deaths of civilians and their leader, Captain America, but caused a mass conversion of humans attending the event and in the surrounding San Francisco to be changed into Inhumans (a species that are humans with supernatural abilities similar to the mutant X-Men). The Chimera had installed a new engine using a Terrigen Crystal which when it exploded causing the disaster, the gas that came from it evolved everyone around the area as I noted previously. One of the attendees was Kamala Khan, who became the amature superhero, Ms. Marvel. Being a fan of the Avengers and a contestant in their writing challenge, she was invited to Avengers Day to celebrate and be rewarded for her participation. A few years after the event, she began searching for what really happened as the Avengers had broken up due to the public blaming them for what happened. She began by looking for their last location and found The Hulk/Bruce Banner during this and asked him to help her gather the others as she believed that A.I.M. (a science based organization) was involved in the destruction of The Chimera and turned the blame on the Avengers instead of themselves. The rest of the story follows the gathering of the heroes and fighting the growing power of A.I.M leader, Modok (who was in the latest Ant-Man movie).

The other campaigns followed the heroes as they were joined by previous Avengers Kate Bishop & Hawkeye as they tried to stop the future from destroying the current day with use of a time bridge and alien invasion. There is also the expansion DLC with “War for Wakanda” which is based around Black Panther and his fight against Klaue and contaminated Vibranium which was starting to destroy the land and make people sick. This campaign takes place in Wakanda exclusively and has you play as Black Panther for the story. All of these additional campaigns were enjoyable, though I had issues with some of the boss challenges due to the low level of the characters as I played mainly as Kamala in the main game.

I eventually finished these and considered the main game finished. After this I would focus on other games while playing Avengers on a somewhat daily basis to wrap up the additional achievements. This would require leveling one hero to level 50 with all abilities unlocked. Reaching gear level 150, and getting to level 25 with at least one of the two in-game factions; Shield or the Inhumans. This is in addition to higher level challenges and various requests that can only be met with a lot of additional playtime. However, I decided to purchasing a copy of the game for future play since I won’t be able to download it after September.

Reviewed on Jul 25, 2023
