A brilliant streamlined and accessible MOBA that hooked me for years. The talent system was a brilliant innovation, allowing the developers to present players with interesting and relevant choices for building each character as you level up. I also love the shorter length of matches, and the variety of battlegrounds kept things fresh. Above all while this game was actively updated there was always something new to try, something new to learn. It's really too bad that time is long over. <3

Reviewed on Jun 21, 2022

1 Comment

2 years ago

Two quick notes on this review, a disclaimer and a disclaimer to the disclaimer. First, the game I played and fell in love with is basically no longer there. It's no longer actively updated, and my favorite mode, Unranked Draft, is impossible to find a match of since no one is ever queing for it. That said, I did try returning to the game recently and found the basic gameplay to be just as fun as it ever was. Though I don't think it will ever be reborn nor do I think I'll ever return fully to it, there is still something to be said for the brilliant talent system, 20 minute matches and the variety of other design choices that make the game fast paced and teamfight heavy. I still crave chasing down foes as Twin Blades Varian or the one Reverse Amp Lucio, pulling off clutch saves or huge punishes. It still can get me going! Despite it's death, Heroes of the Storm is still a 5/5 game to me, and I still love it on a deep level.