Used a hack that doubles EXP and Gold gain. I also utilized an online map to help guide me, and save states to ensure I wasn't losing too much progress.
Even so, the first Dragon Quest feels like a more luck-based RPG than any I've ever played. You're all alone, with no party members to speak of, so dying is a death sentence with no backup plans. Through persistence, you will eventually make it through, it's just... not a particularly deep gameplay system with just one playable character to speak of.

The decision to make every dungeon require a light source was also a questionable one. It's a neat gimmick for one dungeon, but for all of them, it gets pretty tiring. There's also the matter of what you name your character influences your starting stats, which led to a pretty miserable playthrough my first time.

It's a rough entry, but an admirable starting point. The later games will go on to be more fleshed out and fun, though it might take a little while for them to get there. I would personally recommend Dragon Quest 4 as your starting point, but, if you're patient, seeing how the series evolves might be an interesting challenge too, as long as you bring some outside help in.

Reviewed on Jun 15, 2023
